Business Workshop Testimonial

The team found the session really interesting, we rarely make time to talk about topics like that so it was good to get different viewpoints.

Creative Team at Innocent Drinks

What workshops do we offer?


Quiet Strength Lunch & Learn

30 mins for £180

During our lunch and learn learn all about differences in personality, how it can impact life at work, and what we can do about it to improve experiences at work for everyone in your team.

Struggles to Strengths Workshop

2 hours  for £450

We’ll run your team through one of our workshops designed to recognise how we can use our strengths to overcome struggles, while sharing tips we’ve learned along the way. 

Working with different personalities Workshop

2hrs for £450

Create ‘work with me’ guides and learn how you can support one another at work. Focussing on personality and how your team can cultivate better understanding, empathy and clearer communication.