‘Everyone shines, given the right lighting.’

Susan Cain

Some interesting reads and links.


Are you an introvert? What kind of introvert are you?


Find Out Your Personality Type

16 Personalities is based on Myers Briggs - it’s pseudo-science but it’s helped us to understand where we sit on the spectrum.

What Kind of Introvert Are You?

An interesting article and quiz to find out what kind of introvert you might be.

4 Types of Introversion

The Cut share an interesting article and quiz on 4 different types of introversion.


The Power of Introverts.

The Quiet Power of Introverts

Watch the BBC’s beautiful animated short on The Quiet Power of Introverts

The Power of Introverts

Watch Susan Cain’s TED talk on The Power of Introverts. Sharing insights from her own experiences and years of research.

Read Quiet by
Susan Cain

If you liked her TED talk the her book offers really insightful information on why introverts are the way they are and how we are valuable.


How Quiet Strength got started.

Where Quiet Strength Started

Quiet Strength started out as an event with Kireli Studio & SheSays London called Quiet Power. Em made some videos about it.

Create a World of Good with Kireli

Quiet Strength started out as an event by Kireli Studio where Em is the Founder and Creative Director. Find out more about them here.


Interesting thoughts from the Industry

An Introvert’s Guide to Working in the Creative Industry

Ed Tsue shares his thoughts and what he’s learned about working in advertising as an introvert in this Medium Article.

Succeeding as an Introvert in Advertising

Natalie from We Are Next shared a useful post on how to navigate the ad industry as an introvert.

Look Out for the Introverts in Your Agencies

An article by Andy Jex on Campaign on how cultivating a clubbable culture, agencies are ostracising talented introverts.


Useful Links.

The Creative Introvert

Cat from the Creative Introvert has useful links on her site, offering insightful and practical tips in navigating an extroverted world.

Three Big Ideas

The sub-heading on the post says: Why introverts should actually rule the world. Reason enough to read in our eyes.

Quiet Leadership

Leaders don’t need to be loud and confident. The Open University’s Dr Jacqueline Baxter makes the case for a quieter approach.